
A Better Way To Wash. A Better Way To Market

SpinLite® wash equipment is a world's first... patented illuminated hubs enhanced with color changing LED lights. Perfectly complementing the better wash of SpinLite® illuminated wash equipment announces that your car wash is open and ready to deliver an unprecedented customer experience.


SpinLite® wash equipment is a world's first... patented illuminated hubs enhanced with color changing LED lights. Perfectly complementing the better wash of SpinLite® illuminated wash equipment announces that your car wash is open and ready to deliver an unprecedented customer experience.


Features & Benefits

Our Team



Gentle and Thorough


Conventional wash wheels are loud, intimidating and chaotic. SpinMitt wash wheels deliver an ultra-quiet, thorough and gentle massaging clean that customers greatly prefer - and outperform conventional equipment and hand wash workers alike.
Quieter On The Car Soft Foam Arms allow wheels to spin at 30 to 45 RPM, reducing sound levels by at least 200% and producing gentler interaction with all vehicle surfaces.
Consistent Wash Results With at least '7 Hands Per Arm' and '9 Fingers Per Hand' each SpinMitt wash wheel conveys 250,000+ cleaning touches that removes dirt with multiple cleaning edges.
Support Your Brand Choose between Red, Green, Blue or Black 'Hands'



Active Site Marketing®

Attract and capture customers from the street and into your wash 24/7/365.
'Just Flip A Switch & Your Car Wash Markets Itself'  with an attention getting light show of color changing hubs around the clock.
'Own The Night & Rule The Day' whether you are washing cars, between washes or even closed for the day.
Beacon Effect Bring back customers by giving them a wash experience they remember, prefer, and seek out for their future car washing needs.
Package Confirmation Wash wheels follow each car with lit colors that confirm their wash package, to assure customers they got what they paid for.

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